Bnf Chapter 2 Cv Complete 2chapter 2 Cardiovascular System Hypertension Treatment For Studocu ANXIETY has driven my blood pressure from a normal 1/70 to 180/160 many a time Even worse now, I did have a heart attack 3 months ago and had 3 stents put in BP great now, BUT, stress, worry and anxiety cause me to have irregular heartbeats and raise it, then the vicious circle of making anxiety worse and that making BPDoctor said he was going to take my blood pressure , which sent me into a straight panic attack because I was afraid that it would be high Doctor measured by bp and it was high 180/80, HR was 99 He ordered me to take an EKG and retest my bp again in min Afterwards bp was 160/80 measured by the nurse, but I was even more anxious and 150/100 blood pressure anxiety